Besides palm and rubber trees, kayu manis
(Cinnamomum sp.) is a common plantation species in
South Kalimantan, Indonesia (Fig. 1). Kayu manis trees
are harvested for the essential oils present in the bark (Fig.
2), which are used in cosmetics, medicines, and as insect
repellents13). Recently, the plantation area of this species
has increased in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, because
the trees grow rapidly10). After harvesting the bark, the
remaining wood of the kayu manis tree is typically only
used for firewood. Research on the wood properties of this
species is required to determine the utility of the wood for
other purposes.
The objective of this study is to determine general
information on basic wood properties of plantation-grown
kayu manis, which will aid in the discovery of alternate uses of the wood.