Objective – The purpose of this research article is to assess how the integrated reporting <IR> is implemented into a
regional investment information system (RIIS). Within build insight into regional investment management in line with
sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Methodology –This research was conducted on local governments in Indonesia that have implemented RIIS. Using
data from 115 respondents, consisting of elements of local government, academics, business entities, NGOs, social
organizations, and care for the environment. The measurement uses a nominal scale with a chi-square test for goodness
of fit.
Findings – The measurement results showed the frequency of observation (OF) has a value of 52.5504 with the chisquare
table showing a value of 37.65. Based on this result showed OF > EF, it is evidence for being of corresponding
between integrated thinking that fits with <IR>. The level of relationship towards SDGs information communication
has a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.2894, as a low relationship.
Novelty – This research article contributes practical implications where regional government entities to be effective
implementers of <IR> practices for communication for regional investment management. As an insight in the viewing
the growing debate on the merits of <IR> as a voluntary reporting initiative including for the local government sector,
which has been adopted by other <IR> organizations as a mandatory initiative. The results of this research provide a
fundamental way for a regional investment strategy that facilitates communication of the achievement of the SDGs in a
global contex