This study aims to produce student worksheets based on the constructivism approach
in a valid, practical, and effective Real Analysis course. This research method is research
development with the Plomp model, which is divided into four phases. The research subjects were students of Mathematics Education at Lambung Mangkurat University who took Real Analysis courses in the short semester of 2016/2017 and the odd semester of 2017/2018. Validity is based on the results of the validator's assessment of student worksheets and research instruments. Practicality is based on observations of the implementation of student worksheets at all meetings. Effectiveness is based on observations, responses, and completeness of student learning outcomes. The first trial only met the validity and practicality criteria while the effectiveness criteria had not been met because student learning completeness did not meet the specified criteria and the results of the second trial had met valid criteria, practical, and effective. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the student worksheets are appropriate to be used in the real analysis learning process
Based on the results of the development, it can be concluded that the student worksheet based on the constructivism approach developed on the material properties of algebra and sequential properties of real numbers fulfills valid, practical, and effective criteria. Based on the notes obtained during the field trial, it was found that there were strengths and weaknesses of the developed student worksheets. Strengths of student worksheets that have been compiled, namely: 1) student worksheets are arranged systematically for students to use in learning activities, so that students are easy to use; 2) student worksheets are written for the benefit of students so that the structure is adjusted to the characteristics of students; 3) student worksheets contain problems related to the material discussed and are accompanied by instructions and problem-solving steps to make it easier for students to solve these problems, and 4) student worksheets provide opportunities for students to practice doing exercises independently through questions exercise. The weaknesses of the student worksheets that have been compiled are the student worksheets that are only in accordance with the characteristics of the students
of the Mathematics Education Study Program of the Teaching and Education Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University