Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media 3D Pop-up book
materi Ekosistem Lahan Basah di Sekolah Dasar. Ekosistem lahan basah merupakan
lingkungan yang dekat dengan keseharian siswa di Kalimantan Selatan. Pada
pembelajaran tematik muatan IPA, materi eksosistem lahan basah kurang
dikenalkan kepada siswa. Melalui penelitian ini, pengelanan lingkungan sekitar
lebih digalakan lagi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan. Subjek
penelitian adalah siswa dan guru kelas V SD Negeri Sungai Miai 7, Banjarmasin.
Hasil penelitian berdasarkan ahli yaitu, uji ahli materi memperoleh tingkat
kelayakan 94,6%, uji ahli media memperoleh tingkat kelayakan 96%, dan uji ahli
bahasa mendapat tingkat kelayakan 91% dengan kategori sangat valid. Adapun
respon guru pada aspek kelayakan mendapatkan rata-rata skor sebesar 9,1; aspek
kegrafikan mendapatkan rerata skor sebesar 9; dan aspek kelayakan produk
mendapat rerata skor sebesar 8,3 dengan kategori valid. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
pengembangan popup book tema ekosistem lahan basah dinyatakan layak dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan secara keilmuan.
Kata kunci: Media, Pop-up Book, Ekosistem Lahan Basah
Abstract: This study aims to produce 3D Pop-up book media for Wetland
Ecosystems in Elementary Schools. The wetland ecosystem is an environment that
is close to the daily life of students in South Kalimantan. In thematic learning of
science content, the material for wetland ecosystems is not introduced to students.
Through this research, exploration of the surrounding environment is further
encouraged. This research is research and development. The research subjects were
students and teachers of class V SD Negeri Sungai Miai 7, Banjarmasin. The results
of the research based on experts, namely, the material expert test obtained a
feasibility level of 94.6%, the media expert test obtained a 96% feasibility level, and
the linguist test obtained a 91% feasibility level with a very valid category. The
teacher's response to the feasibility aspect got an average score of 9.1; the graphic
aspect got an average score of 9; and the aspect of product feasibility got an average
score of 8.3 with a valid category. This shows that the development of the popup
book with the theme of the wetland ecosystem is declared feasible and scientifically
Keywords: media; pop up book; wetland ecosystem