Banjarmasin Pilkada 2020 is enlivened by four
pairs of candidates for mayor and vice mayor, namely,
candidate number 1 Haris Makkie - Ilham Noor, candidate
pair number 2 Ibnu Sina - Arifin Noor, candidate pair number
3 Khairul Saleh - Habib Ali, and candidate number sequence 4
Ananda - Musyafa Zakir. All the candidates contested in the
simultaneous regional elections in 2020 in the New Normal era
so that there were lots of adjustments both in winning
strategies and political communication carried out by the pair
of candidates for mayor-vice mayor in order to win public
votes in the conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic which still
haunts campaign process.
Keywords— Political Communication, Winning Strategy,
Covid-19, Banjarmasin, Pilkada, Campaign