The decrease in forest function has occurred in the forest, especially in the sub-watershed area
of South Kalimantan Riam Kanan due to fires that occur every year in the dry season. The
existence of high technology in the fire management often neglect the perception of the
villagers, as a result of which fires continue to occur and the management innovation practise
has not obtained maximum results. In fact, it is known that fires always start from small land
fires caused by human actions. To obtain answers in reducing the frequency of fire occurance,
the study of causal activity and fire prevention in Tiwingan Lama Village. The results showed
that fire prevention activities so far have not resulted in a decrease in fire events. It is well
known that the main sources of land fires in villages around the forest are livestock farming,
fields and fishing, while other sources of fire are incidental. The community is open to
receiving innovations in fire prevention education and training from the Management and
Government. This study aims to analyze the factors that cause forest and land fires in Tiwingan
Lama Village
Keywords: Sub sub-Watershed Riam Kanan, Forest and land fires, the source of fire