In general, people in rural areas are lower than urban areas. This is because most financial centers in urban areas, while rural areas are mostly agricultural and forest areas. This research supports to Analyze the needs of honey exploitation in Tanah Laut Regency. The research time is allocated for one year with consideration that this time frame can represent biophysical conditions and environmental conditions as well as various community activities in the area. The method used is the Technical Aspect Analysis relating to production facilities, maintenance, harvesting facilities, and marketing facilities made in the form of tabulations to see how many supporting facilities and infrastructure in developing and managing beekeeping. The results obtained for honey beaters in Tanah Laut Regency such as in Karang Taruna Village have the highest production of honey, 40 bottles / 500 ml / IDR.130,000, and 80 bottles / 250 ml / IDR.75,000 and 15 bottles of kelulut bees / 500 ml / IDR.250,000, and 30 bottles / 250 ml / IDR.130,000 and the resulting derivatives of honeycomb honey and bee pollen have a production cost of IDR.13,000,000 with the results generated from the average product sold each harvest period of IDR. . 113,100,000, with net income of IDR. 100,100,000, meaning that the honey bee business can still support the needs of farmers