Alabio ducks (Anas platyrinchos Borneo) are a local duck breed from South Kalimantan, Indonesia. High feed cost is a major constraint in duck production. Therefore, many efforts have been conducted to find cheaper feedstuffs, especially protein sources. Golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata) is abundantly available in the wetland area of South Kalimantan and causes damages to paddy rice. This research aimed to determine the effects of feeding Alabio ducks with fresh golden snails (FGS) in substituting fish meal (FM) on the egg production and quality. The use of FGS to substitute FM has not been commonly applied; hence, this research will provide an applicable method of golden snail utilization as an alternative protein source in feeding Alabio ducks. Five treatment diets were used, namely 0% FGS + 30% FM; 10%FGS + 20% FM; 20%FGS + 10% FM; 30%FGS + 0% FM; and commercial feed (0% FGS + 0% FM). There were four replications for each treatment and eight ducks in each experimental unit. The experiment was carried out for 18 weeks. Results showed that FGS feeding levels significantly effect the egg production, egg weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, nutrients intake, Ca and P intakes, albumen index, yolk index, yolk color, feed economic value, and income over feed cost. However, treatments had no significant effects on metabolizable energy intake and Haugh Unit. This research indicated that 10% FGS feeding in ration containing 20% FM resulted in the best laying performance and economic value of Alabio duck farming. Utilizing the golden snail as a protein source in the diet could improve the production and profit of laying duck farming while environmentally managing the golden snail invasion on paddy fields.
Keywords: Alabio ducks, golden snail, laying duck, egg production, egg quality.