The purpose of this research is to describe ethnoscience studies on wetlands in South Kalimantan based on
socio-cultural aspects. This research uses a qualitative approach and is a descriptive type of research. The
research was conducted on the community of Jalan Teluk Gampa, Sungai Jingah Village, Banjarmasin. Data
were collected through observation and interview techniques. Meanwhile, secondary data from literature
studies on the socio-cultural community of South Kalimantan. Socio-cultural measures relate to human wellbeing in wetlands. The criteria in socio-cultural studies include therapeutic values, convenience values,
inheritance values, spiritual values, and existence values. These five values have been used by the community
in their daily lives. However, the value of convenience is still not maximal, especially related to the existence
of tourism spots in the wetland area.
Keywords: Ethnoscience, Wetland, Socio-cultural aspect.