Abstract. This paper aims to analyze how Foucauldian perspective sees the discourse of a
happy-prosperous-small family and the Family Planning Program in Indonesia. Those are
integrated state programs of Indonesia government since 1970 to control the population.
By using the concept of governmentality, Foucault saw this as a method to discipline the
live over society using the regulation, discourse making, state apparatus and method to
establish a very nurture circumstance for the economic stability in Indonesia. This paper
argues that the process of governmentality, the Family Planning program, and discourse
making of a happy prosperous small family are intertwined in to control population. This
paper sheds light on the problematization of how they are produced, on what discourse
they go and what kind of subjectification they used in the implementation of Family
Planning program Indonesia.
Keywords: Governmentality, Prosperous Small Family, Population, Discourse, Family
Planning Program, Foucauldian