Nutrients N, P, K are nutrients needed by plants in large amounts because these
elements affect the growth and production of plants. N, P, K deficiencies are often found,
especially in sandy soil types. Sandy soil has a low content of organik matter and nutrients.
In sandy soil, the sand fraction content is high so that the nutrients are not easily bound, it
is easy to pass water, and the total number of microorganisms is relatively low. The
existence of these obstacles makes sandy soils need further management so that they can
be used optimally. Ways that can be done to improve and increase the status of soil fertility
are by giving manure and biological fertilizers. It is believed that the application of manure
and biological fertilizer can improve physical, chemical, and biological properties. The
provision of manure and biological fertilizers can increase plant productivity because they
can be a stimulant in nutrient availability and improving soil physical properties. Several
studies and literature on the application of manure and biological fertilizers on sandy soils
have been carried out, either singly or in combination. This paper aims to compile the
results of research on the application of manure and types of biological fertilizers applied
to sandy soils so that a conclusion can be found that can be recommended by farmers in
managing sandy soils.
Keywords: amelliorant, biofertilizers, sandy soil