Modifying cultivation techniques potentially enhances mustard physical qualities to attain the demanded marketable
value. The reputation of organic mustard propels farmers to implement modified cultivation techniques to improve
harvest quality further. Planting space is one of the modifiable technical cultivations to achieve sustainable crop
production. This research used soil planting media from acid dry land to optimize agricultural land use and cow
manure as primary fertilizer to implement organic farming. This research objective is to figure the effect of different
planting spaces on the growth and productivity of mustard greens that applied organic cultivation method. The
preliminary arrangement of the research was a single-factor randomized block design. The factors were studied with
different planting spaces: control without planting spaces, planting space of 20x20, 25x25, 30x30, 35x35, and 40x40
cm2. The outcomes revealed that the mean values of mustard green plant height (13.38 cm) and the number of
leaves (9 strands) had significant differences to the control treatment (10 cm plant height and seven strands number
of leaf). The results showed that the optimum planting space of organic mustard cultivation was 40x40 cm2 which
achieved significantly higher plant height and the number of leaves than the control without planting spaces. This
research's planting space of 40x40 cm2 is appropriately suitable for monocropping systems in acid dry land. It can
alter plant population and distribute environmental resources for sustaining crop growth and production.
Keywords: Brassica juncea; leaf width; number of leaves; plant height; productivity