This study aims to determine the perception of the Meratus Dayak tribe about education for
children and uncover various learning problems for Meratus Dayak children. The research was
conducted in Patikalain Village, Hantakan District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. Data were
collected through observation, interview and documentation techniques. This study uses a
qualitative approach. The data obtained were analyzed using an interactive model of analysis.From
this research, it can be concluded that the Meratus Dayak tribe who live in Patikalain Village
already understands the importance of education for children for various reasons. Among some of
these reasons, namely: to increase experience, increase knowledge, to be smarter, to have a stand,
and so that people are not easily fooled. The Meratus Dayak tribe who live in Patikalain Village
mostly have middle to lower economic levels. Therefore, not all parents can pay for their children
to continue their education after graduating from elementary school. However, in recent years there
have been religious organizations that are willing to pay for the children of the Dayak tribe in
Patikalain Village, if anyone wants to continue their education. Through this organization, several
children have been able to continue their education to a higher level. Various problems related to
learning at the filial school of SDN 2 Haruyan Dayak are: (1) Until now there is no electricity so
that the learning process cannot use modern learning media or media that use electricity; (2) Only
one classroom is suitable for use for learning activities, so grades I, II and III take turns learning;
(3) The absence of textbook facilities for teachers and students so that the learning process is not
in accordance with the demands of the curriculum; (4) The learning process is more oriented
according to the will of the teacher, which only focuses on reading, counting and writing; (5) There
is only one teacher with honorary status and must teach both grades I, II and III
Keywords: education, children, Meratus Dayak tribe