Kirinyuh leaves (Chromolaena odorata L) containing alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, saponin, anthraquinone,
glicoside and terpenoid possess an activity in wound healing empirically. Gel is one of pharmaceutical topical preparations
containing gelling agents of HPMC and Carbopol. It is also cosmetically acceptable and tends to be drying. This research
aims to determine the effect of gel of ethanol extract of Kirinyuh leaves (C. odorata L) containing some concentrations of
gelling agent of HPMC and Carbopol in 3 formulas. Gel was formulated with 0.5% ethanol extract of Kirinyuh leaves
(C. odorata L) and used variation concentration of gelling agent of HPMC and Carbopol for 3 formulas of 0.78:0.34 ;
0.56:0.56 dan 0.34:0.78 respectively. Physical characteristics of gel including organoleptic, homogenity, spreadability,
adhesion, viscocity and pH value were analysed for all formulas. All prepared gels revealed acceptable in organoleptic
tests, homogen, speadiblity : 5,8-8,6 cm, adhesion: 2. 19-6.76 sec, viscocity: 3600-18000 cps and pH: 5.1 – 5.88. Therefore,
it can be concluded that HPMC and Carbopol possess an effect on the physical caracteristics of gel of ethanol extract of
kirinyuh leaves (C. odorata L).
Keywords—kirinyuh, gel, physical characteristics