Hoax information, especially about Covid-19 spread so fast and can cause unrest in the community. Community service activities are carried out with the aim of increasing public knowledge in recognizing hoax information, especially about Covid-19, so that the spread of hoax information can be prevented. The method used was counseling through the Covid-19 Knowledge Magazine which was produced by the community service implementation team. The magazine is distributed to the public in 3 regencies / cities in South Kalimantan, namely Banjarmasin City, Banjar Regency, and Banjarbaru City. The distribution of magazines other than in print, also through online media, namely digital platforms and social media. The results of the activity showed an increase in public knowledge about hoax information, especially Covid-19. This increase was evidenced by the results of the evaluation carried out to the public who received Majalah Pengetahuan Covid-19, that previously only heard about the word hoax but did not fully understand it. After reading Majalah Pengetahuan Covid-19, they can recognize the characteristics of information, including the hoax category, and by recognizing these characteristics they can determine their attitude not to spread it to others.