This research aimed to find out communication strategy which was used by women politicians as legislative candidates in gathering people’s supports on South Kalimantan Legislative Elections 2019. The research used descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected by depth interview to three types of informants, Regional House of Representatives Banjarmasin City candidates, Regional House of Representatives Banjarbaru City candidates, and voters side. The result of the research showed that some elements of political communications related to women legislative candidate’s communication strategies in getting votes. Women legislative candidates with their team as political communicators while in legislative elections campaign. Political
messages, delivered to the people, were focusing on health welfare, women empowerment, and children educations. Besides personal and community communications, their use online media such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and other social medias, furthermore they used outdoor media such as billboard.
Legislative candidates Political targets are widely, because the targets were not only women. The targets college students, community members, and other community groups. Political communication strategy, used by women legislative candidates in gathering people’s supports, was horizontal political communication strategy. The strategy descripted as position of political communicators (legislative candidates) and
communicans (people) relatively balance (give and take position).