This article describes how e-learning is used in Indonesian Language Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Lambung Mangkurat University. This is written based on the result of a survey followed by more than 80 students from different academic years. This aims to answer some questions related to how the information and communication technology (ICT) applied in teaching process, such what lectures use it and how it is used, and how its impact to the student’s perception. The survey found that there are several gaps between the ideal and the real use of information and communication technology in the department. The first gap is between the ability of students to access internet individually and the poor internet facility provided by university to fullfil their needs. Meanwhile, their lecturers have special faster line provided by campus. As the consequence, the interactivity cannot run well. This may be one of the causes why many lecturers are reluctant to use internet in their lesson plans. However, a few younger lecturers keep on using internet with their own budget. This fact shows the second gap between lecturers with rich ITC competence and the poor ones.