Gedambaan Village is one of the villages that has tourism potential in Kotabaru
Regency, namely Gedambaan Beach. This beach offers two natural atmospheres that
can be enjoyed simultaneously, namely views of green mountains and expanses of
sea decorated with bagang fishermen, and equipped with various adequate facilities
and infrastructure. The existence of coastal tourism will have a positive impact on
the local community if they can participate in taking advantage of it as a new business
opportunity. On the other hand, this condition will have a negative impact on their
livelihoods and will only reduce the ecological quality of the coast if all economic
actors there are not able to maintain the environmental sustainability. This study
aims to analyze community perceptions of the management of Gedambaan Beach
tourism objects. The sample in this study amounted to 101 respondents consisting of
78 local people (approach with the Slovin formula to the number of family heads)
and as many as 23 people (census) tourism object managers. Perception analysis was
carried out descriptively using a Likert scale calculation. The results of the study
showed that the local community feels that the existence of Gedambaan beach
tourism did not provide job opportunities and business opportunities for them, while
they were of the view that the management of the beach tourism needs support, good
relations, and involvement of the local community, especially in environmental