Ecotourism development in Mt. Meratus, South Kalimantan, is crucial to support the future
development and forest use in the South Kalimantan area. Ecotourism provides a mechanism
to use forest resources sustainably while at the same time provides opportunities for local
economic growth. This paper aims to describe the potential resources of Mt. Meratus to
support the ecotourism program in South Kalimantan. The development of ecotourism in Mt.
Meratus has been crucial since the area has a high level of geo-biodiversity and cultural
resources, which are important for the future human being. Protecting and promoting
indigenous knowledge of the community in the Mt. Meratus geo-site area are important to
support sustainable development programs, including the development of ecotourism as one
of the practices of responsible travels to the natural ecosystem.
Keywords: biodiversity conservation, geotourism, Mt. Meratus Kalimantan.