Backgound and Objective: In traumatic brain injury (TBI), the level of severity could be assessed by GCS, so
it is necessary to measure the GCS score to categorize the severity of TBI. TBI may followed by inflammatory
mediators cell and one of inflammation marker released by liver, namely c-reactive protein (CRP).The purpose of
this study is to analyze correlation between GCS scores and CRP levels in patients with traumatic brain injury at
the emergency departement of Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin.
Subject and Method: This study is a analytic observational study with cross sectional design. Data acquired
prospectively with consecutive sampling method in TBI patients who entered the emergency department of Ulin
General Hospital in the period from July-September 2018 that fulflled inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.
Result: We obtained 53 subjects consisted of 42 males and 11 females with a distribution of 22 (41.5%) mild TBI
patients, 20 (37.7%) modarate TBI patients, and 11 (20,8%) severe TBI patients. Measurements of CRP levels
were obtained at an averange of 4.64 mg/l in mild TBI, 18.00 mg/l in moderate TBI, and 26.73 mg/l in severe
TBI. There was correlation between the increasing of CRP levels with severity of TBI using Kruskal-Wallis test
with a confdence level of 95% (p=0.034), in Post Hoc analysis using Mann-Whitney test, there was signifcant
differences in elevated CRP levels between moderate-severe TBI patients compared to mild TBI patients.
Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a corellation between GCS scores and CRP levels in TBI patients.
Key words: traumatic brain injury, c-reactive protein, glasgow coma scale (GCS)