This study aims to evaluate the placement of health workers who function as promoters of health and disease prevention in Indonesian health centers (Puskesmas). This is because the placement of health workers who carry out these functions in the Puskesmas is still not standard. It is characterized by the absence of government regulations, both central and regional, which explicitly state the right type of functional public health positions to be placed in the puskesmas. As a result, the presence of various infectious diseases is still high. Community visits to seek treatment at the Puskesmas have also increased, which means the level of public health is still low. Through in-depth interviews conducted with six Heads of Puskesmas in the city of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan province, as well as three officials related to this function in the Banjarbaru City Health Office, the results of this case study show that the function of health promotion and disease prevention even though it has been listed in the Puskesmas tasks there is no executive personnel yet. The current function of health promotion and disease prevention is mostly held by existing health workers, such as Midwives and/or Nurses. Rarely is this function carried out by professionals who are specifically tasked with promoting health and preventing disease. This dual position certainly causes other consequences and problems in human resource management at the Puskesmas.