Among social problems that still exist in Indonesia, beggars became prominent social problems that difficult to be solved. The panhandling activities have been seen not only in the streets but also in several cemeteries. The beggars asked money from people who pilgrim in the cemetery of prominent moslem spiritual leaders. Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Albanjari was prominent Moslem leader that live in Martapura in the era of Banjarese Sultan. He were died in Inside the Fence, October 3, 1812 and buried at Kalampayan. His cemetery were popular to be pilgrim by people especially Banjarese. There are so many Beggars in that cemetery and asked money from pilgrim. They were happy to be called by the panhandler rather than beggars. Beggars in this cemetery area consist of various age background from Old, Adult, and Child, between 3 to 70 years old. The duration of panhandling is between 2 to 20 hours of work. They were working from 09.00 in the morning to 17.00 at the afternoon. The income of Old and Adult beggars are higher than child beggars. The factors that caused panhandling activities are; poverty, alienation base on lack ability of education, work, and technology. The population of Beggars will be increase when the moslem celebrate their holly days. The usualy go to pilgrim in that cemetery.