This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of the number of
commissioners, the proportion of independent board, the number of audit
committee, the number of the board of directors, managerial ownership,
institutional ownership as the independent variables, and the company size as
the control variable either partially or simultaneously on the company’s fnancial
performance, namely ROA and ROE as dependent variables in companies listed
on the Stock Exchange from 2010 to2012.
The method of sampling was done through purposive sampling method. The
population of companies were the ones listed on the Stock Exchange from 2010
to 2012. The obtained samples were 91 companies, so that the amount of data
used were as many as 273, but there are some outlier data that must be removed
in order to meet the assumption of normality. Therefore, the amount of the fnal
samples used in this study were 75 companies with the amount of data used
were 194. The analytical tool used was multiple linear regression analysis, and
to test the level of signifcance the F test and the t-test were used which were
processed with SPSS 22.
The results showed that the variable of the proportion of independent board
signifcantly gave negative effects on ROA and ROE, while the variable of
the number of commissioners, the number of board of directors, managerial
ownership, institutional ownership and frm size did not affect the ROA and
ROE. The variable of the number of the audit committee was not used in the
analysis because the data had constant value.
Keywords :
Corporate governance, ownership structure, fnancial performance