Floating Market Lok Baintan as part of the traditional markets in Indonesia
continue to exist until now. This condition is contrary to the traditional market
conditions in general and some other floating market. Results of previous studies
mention this is due to both internal and external factors. Therefore, this study
seeks to examine more deeply, how Floating Market Lok Baintan still exist and
growing views of economic and social relations are swathed in social capital
between economic players in this market. This study used a qualitative study using Phenomenology approach. Phenomenological study to look closely at the individual interpretation of her experiences and trying to understand the meaning of an experience from the perspective of the participants. Floating Market Lok Baintan exist with all the problems through interaction relationship bonding, bridging and linking. This study further gives three types of conclusions kind of relationship (bonding, bridging and linking) there and attached to individual market participants, but as bridging social capital utilized more dominant economic players in the Floating Market Lok Baintan in increasing revenue. In this case the macro economic impact on the improvement Lok
Baintan and surrounding communities.