Most of the people living in the wetlands of Maliku District, Pulang Pisau Regency
were still use river water to brush their teeth. Based on the content of water chemical
parameters, pH, fluorine characteristics of wetland river water were not suitable for
brushing teeth, because it can cause caries.: This research were research and Development
method. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique. The population of
this study were 22 grade students of SD Tahai Jaya. The number of respondents was 22
students, which were divided into 2 groups, 11 students who brushed their teeth using river
water and 11 students who brushed their teeth using water that met the requirements for
toothbrushes. Then followed up for 6 months to examine the Caries index. There were
significant differences in students who brushed their teeth using river water and clean water.
From the research results it can be concluded that there were a significant difference in the
caries index of students who brushed their teeth using river water and students who brushed
their teeth with clean water.
Key Words: Caries, Clean Water, River Water, Wetland