The development of plantations is currently accompa
nied by environmental issues arising from
the waste from the palm oil industry. The utilizati
on of waste to be of economic value is
necessary to reduce negative impacts on the environ
ment and create an environmentally
friendly industry. Thus, it can reduce production c
osts, increase income, and not burden the
environment. The purpose of this research is to ana
lyze the environmental economic value of
the utilization of liquid waste and tankos solid wa
ste. This research method uses observation,
interview, documentation, and economic valuation te
chniques. The results of the calculation of
changes in the productivity of waste utilization as
a reduction in the use of urea fertilizer, RP
fertilizer, MOP fertilizer, and kieserite fertilize
r provide an economic value of sludge liquid
waste of IDR 46,644,326.72 and tankos solid waste o
f IDR 1,784,059,650.00. The results of
the study conclude that the use of sludge liquid wa
ste and tankos solid waste carried out by the
company in 2017 with an applied area of 3,443.16 he
ctares was able to provide an
environmental economic value of Rp. 1,830,703,967.7