The use of health communication in the group of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) mosques and the group of
Muhammadiyah mosques in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in Banjarmasin City is inseparable from the
background of the two religious organizations. In responding to the government’s call for mosques not to hold
Friday prayers to contain the transmission of Covid-19, the group of Muhammadiyah mosques made
persuasive, cautious and rational approaches to convey the message of the call to the congregation. On the
other hand, the message of the call conveyed by the group of NU mosques to the congregation is coercive and
tends to cause fatal or radical attitude. This study recommends that the group of NU mosques be united to
manage an organization functioning as a basis, umbrella, and command. This way more effective and
controllable communication among NU mosques can be created to resolve internal differences while
conveying communication messages. The conclusion and recommendation are based on the results of the
research conducted through qualitative approaches using data collection techniques covering observation and
unstructured interviews to obtain indepth and pure data. Qualitative data analysis was conducted before, during
and after a field research.