Marlinae, Lenie; Noor, Meitria Syahadatina; Yulidasari, Fahrini; Fadillah, Noor Ahda; Musafaah, Musafaah; Rahmi, Parida
Contraseption problem still experienced by South Kalimantan is the achievement of new family planning acceptors (FP) which is low only 37,59%. Of all types of family planning, new male FP participants have a small number of 58.66% in 2014 to 37.40% in 2015. Level II regions with low male birth control are Balangan, HSS and Banjarbaru. Low achievement of and lack of husband support to the use of family planning become the background of the need for the study of male perception on family planning, especially from the aspect of interaction / communication pattern between husband and wife and husband and wife partner with health officer so far whether it has directed to men participate in family planning.
This research method is a qualitative research using phenomenology method. Methods of data collection using in-depth interviews to some good informants, namely couples who are family planning and non-family planning, midwives, Health Office of South Kalimantan Province and BKKBN of South Kalimantan representatives. The results of this study indicate that the problem of negative male perceptions and low male participation in family planning programs is caused by religious issues that do not allow couples to use contraceptive contraceptives unless using natural methods. Another issue is that family planning issues are considered to be women's business so that men are not interested in being actively involved. Another issue that is obtained is the pattern of communication couples with health personnel is still lacking, the husband is not much involved. Decisions for family planning are dominated by wives, while decisions for those who do not use contraception dominate more husbands.
The conclusions of this study are based on all informants, more men who have negative perceptions about family planning programs than men who have positive perceptions about family planning programs. The pattern of communication from couples who become family planning acceptors is dominated by the wife, while the communication patterns of couples who are not become family planning acceptors are dominated by husbands. Forms of male participation in family planning programs are still passive (only allowing or transporting wives to health facilities), not as active participants.
Keywords: male perception, participation, family planning