This study aims to find out which are the results after Bantian village was divided into new villages. After running for approximately six years, the expansion of the village can be evaluated to determine the extent of development in the village. The author limits his study on how was the development of basic services of the community in the fields of education, health, infrastructure, and general administrative services in the village. As the goal of regional expansion, which is a concrete form of decentralization and regional autonomy, and as a strategic step to improve the implementation of government duties in service and community empowerment towards a society that is advanced, independent, prosperous, just and prosperous. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This study involved the elements of society and organizers of Government in Bantian Village as the subject and object of this study. Data were obtained through interviews, secondary data from documents related to planning and development activities that had been carried out in Bantian village. Data analysis techniques used are interactive model analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the proliferation of Bantian village is the aspiration of the village community, which is determined by a decision by the authorized government organizer. In the implementation of the policy, the first thing that was felt by the community was the satisfaction, because the realization of their desires namely the Bantian hamlet and the surrounding area were determined to be a village. There was an increase in development compared to the previous situation, in addition to the increase in many other things that caused a sense of dissatisfaction with the community as a target. But even so, it is hoped that the community groups still have the confidence that all these obstacles will be overcome with a gradual time.