DALLE, JUHRIYANSYAH; Elfirman, M. Ziki; Sufyan, Muhammad
ustainability has to be maintained because water’s
quality will affect human life. One of the water sources
that are usually used by people is from the local water
Company (PDAM) in every city in Indonesia. One of
the PDAM Companies in the Marabahan City, South
Kalimantan, is treating water from the Jejangkit
River, but that water is not always clean; it can be
murkier in a rainy season and tidal conditions. That is
why the water quality condition in that river needs to
be known. In that case, this study aims at designing a
prototype of microcontroller-based turbidity of water
detector by implementing the fuzzy logic. It can send a
real-time report where later it will be used by PDAM
in Marabahan City. The stages of turbidity
measurement consist of start, initialization of I/O,
turbidity sensor of reading object, fuzzy logic, read the
turbidity level, stop. The result of this study is that the
developed prototype is able to read the turbidity level
of water and it can send a real-time report. It is
recommended to develop the further turbidity sensor
by using other components that are not only able to
read the turbidity level, but they are also able to read
the pH value and can be developed with other methods,
in order that it can read the sharper data accuracy.
Keywords –Turbidity, Turbidity Sensor, Fuzzy.