Gultom, Syamsul; DALLE, JUHRIYANSYAH; Restu, Restu; Baharudin, Baharudin; Hairudinoar, Hairudinoar; Gultom, Syawal
Abstract. The present study has provided insights into various factors affecting the intention to use e-government (ITUEG) services among the citizens of Indonesia. A Theory of reasoned action (TRA) has been used as an underpinning theory, based on the prior literature and the various empirical studies conducted by past researchers. The total number of 477 citizens were included in the study as a target population. The results of the present study indicated that the attitude and the subjective norms had shown a significant and positive impact on the ITUEG. Also, the additional variable of trust been investigated in the existing study and the study revealed that trust significantly influences the ITUEGS. The demographic variable including age, gender, education level and two control questions, have shown significant results. More than 37 percent of the respondents have already used these online e-government services. Additionally, the findings of the current study have shown that the citizens are not mature and also willing to avail of these online e-government services if the trust level is higher. The government authorities should draft and implement those kinds of policies that can win the trust of the common man or the end-users like citizens and that leads towards the increase in the ITUEG services. Keywords: Trust; Theory of reasoned action (TRA); Intention to use e-Government (ITUEG)