Timpakul fish (Periathalmodon scholosseri) with its digestion organs is classified as carnivore. Micro-anatomical structure of carnivore is different from that of herbivore. P. schlosseri fish will experience two important adaptations: food adaptation and adaptation to water loss due to evaporation. The purpose of this research is to study anatomy and histology of digestion organs especially esophagus, stomach, and intestine of Timpakul (P. Schlosseri).To determine the location of sampling, purposive sampling with Line Transect method, a sampling technique based on how much is obtained in one time, is used. The research result shows that digestion organ of Timpakul has short anatomical structures which are connected one another with pale yellow color. The intestine of Timpakul is shorter than its body. The histological structure of digestion organ which consists of esophagus, stomach, and P. schlosseri intestine has mucosa, sub-mucosa, muscularis, and serosa layers.