Lanting house is floating house type which is found in South Kalimantan, especially in Banjarmasin. Today, the floating houses decreased in quantity and quality. To preserve the cultural products, it is necessary to do research on floating houses. The research raises thermal comfort in floating houses by following the standard SNI-6390. The measurement results humidity indoor and outdoor of the floating house is high. The indoor air temperature is almost always higher than outdoors. The indoor temperature increases rapidly after sunrise. Indoor thermal comfort in floating houses for longer uncomfortable. The outdoor temperature in a comfort zone is only about 5 hours a day. However, overall the comfort zones only concerned with the dry bulb temperature, it still has weaknesses. These results conclude that the need for a more comprehensive study. Humidity and wind must also be considered in calculating the thermal comfort. Collaboration dry bulb temperature, humidity and wind called the effective temperature.
Keyword: Lanting, thermal comfort.