Garbage is one of the most serious problems in the environment around the world and is
closely related to everyday human life. Estimated waste generation throughout Indonesia is 38.5 tons
/ year. The problem of garbage in Jilatan Village Batu Ampar Sub District has a high percentage of
household waste management in Jilatan Village, it is known that the community manages household
waste by throwing it back to the house by 2.9%, by another by 2.5% Dumped into the garden by
1.5%, by way of discharge to the river by 1.0%, and managing household waste by burning 92.0%
and the community that separates organic and non-organic waste inside the house by 24.0 % and the
community that did not separate organic and non-organic waste in the house by 76.0%. Based on this
it is known that waste management is still found in the Jilatan village. Intervention activities are
conducted through empowerment activities in which improvement of knowledge, attitude and
behavior. Activity interventions that can be done is waste sorting training, simple composting, and
the formation of young cadres that care of waste in the Jilatan village. The results of this activity
showed the presence of cadres that care of garbage can be the basis of changes in the students
behavior of 18.97% in managing waste and the existence of compost training that can improve the
skills and community self-sufficiency by 100% which can make the waste into compost that can save
expenditure on crop maintenance, reducing total waste production in the village. Need for further
development activities such as the forming of waste bank activities as one solution in handling waste
problems in the Jilatan village.
Keywords- Multi model, young cadre, compost, garbage.