National Medium Term Development Plan (Plan) for 2010-2014 states that one of the efforts to accelerate the
fertility control through contraception more directed at increasing the use of Long Term Contraception Method
(LTCM). This is because the LTCM is an effective method of contraception known as it can provide protection
from the risk of pregnancy for a period of up to 10 years. Based BKKBN data in 2014 showed that the use of
LTCM in South Kalimantan province only reached 5.43%, while the national target to be achieved, which
amounted to 20.15%. One district that has the lowest performance in the use LTCM District of Batulicin,
amounting to 3.76%. This study aimed to describe factors associated with the use of LTCM in Batulicin
condemnation. This study uses a cross-sectional study. The population in this study, namely WUS aged 15-49
years with a total sample of 86 people. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The
instrument used when the research is a spread sheet and checklist. And analysis of the relationship in this study
using a statistical test such as fisher. The results of the study in 2016 showed that the factors associated with the
use of LTCM in District Batulicin is a generation source of contraceptive services (p-value = 0.014). While the
factors that are not related to the use of LTCM in District Batulicin is the age factor (p-value = 1.000), number
of children (p-value = 0.053), the old age of marriage (p-value
= 0.056), education level (p-value = 0.072), the contraception purpose (p-value = 0.0174), and stages of
family welfare (p-value = 0.705. Therefore, efforts are required equitable distribution of resources and
dissemination of contraceptive services related to the program
Keyword: Women with fertile age, Fertility, Risk, Long-term contraceptive method