Bureaucracy at the normative level basically has neutral notion i.d. functioning to serve public interest. However, at empirical level bureaucracy then turns to be not neutral. This unneutrality is caused by the intervention of varied interest affecting it i.e. individual interest and group interest. When the new order was in power, bureaucracy was utilized as political instruments by the goverments’s political power as dominant power holder. With such condition of bureaucracy , any action and decision of the bureaucracy will be loaded with the vision and mission of political powers of such government. When bureaucracy loses its function, it constitutes logical consequence of political situasion and condition at the time. To rebuild bureaucracy in the new Indonesia era, besides by placing bureaucracy at the proper functions to as goal performer oriented to public interest, also by giving priority to law functionalization in the effort to take action againt every form to abuses of power or deviation and the other offences accoruing in the body of the bureaucracy.