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The dynamics of phytoplanktonic community in relation to water quality regimes, In flood plain of Bangkau Swampy lake, South Kalimantan, Indonesi

Show simple item record Rahman, Mijani Herliwati, Herliwati 2023-11-05T09:23:28Z 2023-11-05T09:23:28Z 2016-11-21
dc.description Bangkau swampy lake is siatuated at western part of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is a monotone swamp which is bordered by flooding swampy plain. The change of surface water create high variation of lake width. In the dry season, the depth of surface water droops and is collected in the middle of lake, while in the rainy season the width of lake expands in larger area. The dynamic of water depth is the most important environmental parameter in aquatic environment of flood plain (Mihaljevi´c et al.,2010), because of as a hub of energy, material and organisme between theriver and flood plain (Tockner and Stanford, 2002). en_US
dc.description.abstract This research aims to investigate the the effect of the dynamic of water physico-chemical changes to structural community of phytoplantonic creatures in swampy flood plain. Water samples were taken in May to November 2015 in Bangkau swampy flood plain. Multivariate analysis non-metric multidimension scaling (NMDS) was used for statistically analysis the relationship of biotic and water physico-chemical data. Oscillatoria, Gonatozygon and Thallasiossira are three of twenty species, which they always present in each observations. Abundance of phytoplanktonic ranges between 148 to 23,740 cell L-1 . The presence of phytoplanktonic mainly abundance in November (16 to 20 genera) and very rare in May. Identified 20 genera, there 6 genera have a correlation to the dynamic of water quality parameters. Binuclearia and Cryptomonas have positiey correlated to parameters of depth, SO4 and PO4. Both Binuclearia and Cryptomonas were present dominantly in May and June. In the other hand, Oscillatoria (Cyanophyta), Sphaeroplea (Chlorophyta), Diatoma and Nitszchia (Chrysophyta) shows negatively correlated to the dinamic water quality en_US
dc.publisher INNSPUB en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol 9;No.5
dc.subject Phytoplanktonic en_US
dc.subject Bangkau swampy en_US
dc.subject Flood plain en_US
dc.subject Water quality en_US
dc.subject Swampy lake, en_US
dc.title The dynamics of phytoplanktonic community in relation to water quality regimes, In flood plain of Bangkau Swampy lake, South Kalimantan, Indonesi en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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