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Multilingualism in Indonesian Literature

Show simple item record MU'IN, FATCHUL NOORTYANI, RUSMA SIBARANI, ROBERT 2023-05-19T05:52:43Z 2023-05-19T05:52:43Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation APA en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2807-3118
dc.description.abstract There is an interesting problem to raise, namely the use of unique language symptoms in Indonesian literary works. The uniqueness of language use in Indonesian literary works can be seen from two or more languages in Indonesian literary works. The use of two or more languages is called multilingualism in Indonesian literature. Multilingualism in Indonesian literary works is seen as "the overlapping use of language in Indonesian literature." Using more than one language can interfere with reading fluency for readers who do not come from the same culture. However, if we face literary works with multilingualism phenomena, we must respond and understand them. Duranti (1997: 21) explains that Anthropolinguistics emphasizes language as an expression of people's mindset. Anthropolinguistics views language as a set of cultural applications. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Talenta Publisher en_US
dc.subject Indonesian literature, Multilingualism, Anthropolinguistics en_US
dc.title Multilingualism in Indonesian Literature en_US
dc.title.alternative A Literary Review from the Perspective of Anthropolinguistics en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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