Repo Dosen ULM

Studi kebutuhan akan air bersih di Kabupaten Kapuas

Show simple item record Fitriati, Ulfa Imelda, Indria 2023-04-28T11:29:56Z 2023-04-28T11:29:56Z 2019-04
dc.identifier.issn 2623-1980
dc.description.abstract Kapuas Regency is a district with moderate population growth, where demand for clean water needs will also grow and also continue to grow. And there are still some people who use river water directly for their daily needs because some areas have not been served by PDAM. The purpose of writing this research is to find out the amount of clean water needs in Kapuas District to serve the needs of the community for the future. And also to find out the quality of clean water at the intake. As well as comparing the water needs with the capacity of the intake.In this study, the calculation of the projected population uses a statistical method which takes into account the rate of development of the past population to estimate the population in the future. There are several methods that can be used to analyze the development of population in the future, namely arithmetic, geometric, linear regression, exponential, and logarithmic. For the quality of clean water carried out a field review with test parameters such as temperature (air temperature ± 3), electrical conductivity, the amount of dissolved solids (0,5), pH (6,5-8,5), turbidity (5 NTU), and measurement of dissolved oxygen.Kapuas PDAM has an intake of 387,5 L/s while the need for clean water for Kapuas Regency in 2016 is 731,511 L/s, it can be said for 2016 the need for clean water has not been met. Water quality data obtained from the results of the Kapuas PDAM water sample test for pH have not met the water quality standards of class I and class B. en_US
dc.publisher LPPM ULM en_US
dc.subject chemical, clean water, Kapuas District, physic property, water needs en_US
dc.title Studi kebutuhan akan air bersih di Kabupaten Kapuas en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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