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Study of Understanding the Procurement Process of Goverment Good/Services Based On Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018 in Tapin Regency

Show simple item record Mursadin, Aqli 2023-04-16T23:55:45Z 2023-04-16T23:55:45Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2320-0847
dc.description.abstract ABSTRACT Procurement of government products and services funded by the State Budget (APBN) and Revenue Budget Regional Expenditures (APBD) is required to be carried out effectively and efficiently in accordance with the principles of fair competition, transparency, openness, and equal treatment for all stakeholders. It is vital to have an implementation guideline in the procurement of government goods/services so that the results can be accounted for both physically and in terms of community benefits.. Competent government goods/services procurement players are required to improve procurement effectiveness and efficiency. Competence is defined as the ability to accomplish a task to the required standard requirements. In order to improve the quality of government goods/services procurement in the public infrastructure sector in Tapin Regency, it is necessary to conduct research on the understanding of the actors in the procurement of government goods/services. With the research carried out, steps can be determined to improve the quality of government goods/services procurement in the public infrastructure sector. This investigation was conducted out in Tapin Regency as part of an infrastructure procurement project. The method of measuring respondents' understanding of their replies, linear regression analysis of defining factors that influence understanding, and interview methods with experts to make advice on current problems were employed as analytical methodologies. The study's findings show that, based on Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018, the degree of comprehension of players in the procurement of government goods/services in Tapin Regency is an average of 81.4, with an interpretation of "very good" understanding.With a medium level of association between the two variables and a linear regression line of Y = 31,215 + 1,209X1, variable interest (X1) has an influence of 18.8% on one's knowledge of Presidential Decree No. 16 of 2018 (Y).With a low degree of correlation between the two variables, variable experience(X2) has a 9.4% effect on one's knowledge of Presidential Decree No. 16 of 2018(Y), and the linear regression line obtained is Y = 39,094 + 1.153X2. With a moderate level of link between the two variables and a linear regression line, Y = 25,915 + 1,932 X3, the leadership policy variable (X2) has an influence of 18.2 percent on a person's level of knowledge of Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018 (Y). The training variable (X4) has a 10.8 percent effect on a person's level of Regulation knowledge. Presidential Number 16 of 2018 (Y) has a low level of association between the two variables, and a linear regression line, Y = 31,814 + 1,416 X4, is obtained. The combined influence of interest (X1), job experience (X2), policy management (X3), and training (X4) on one's comprehension of Presidential Decree Number 16 Year 2018 (Y) on one's understanding of the Presidential Decree Number 16 Year 2018 (Y) is 25.2 percent. Place the right human resources in the right position, provide forums, opportunities, and media for government goods/service procurement actors to continue to study existing regulations, time, and cost allocation are all approaches that can be taken in response to the results of research conducted on the results of the understanding study. for strengthening the function of the Goods/Services Procurement Service Unit (UKPBJ) and simplifying legislation linked to government procurement of goods/services, and for training for all actors involved in government procurement of goods/services.The approach that may be taken to the level of influence of variables that affect the level of understanding is that more research on other variables that affect the understanding of players in government procurement goods/services is required. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) en_US
dc.subject Government Procurement of Goods/Services, Study of Understanding en_US
dc.title Study of Understanding the Procurement Process of Goverment Good/Services Based On Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018 in Tapin Regency en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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