Indonesia has a large enough potential for solar energy, because it is located in
the tropics. Solar energy is very friendly energy because it is non-polluting,
inexhaustible and free. Nurul Hikmah Mosque as one of the centers of worship
located in the North Loktabat Village area of North Banjarbaru has the motto of
developing a green prayer room both in terms of layout, environmental
management, and the energy sources used. In terms of environmental
management and layout, the Mushola management has placed green gardens and
hydroponic plantations. In terms of sources of electrical energy, they still use the
main sources from PLN and generators. The weakness of the generator is related
to pollution and noise problems that interfere with the solemnity of worship. The
mosque management has several times received complaints from the congregation
regarding the noise, so a more efficient solution is needed both in terms of power
and the pollution caused. One of the energy technologies that can be utilized with
minimal air and noise pollution is solar panel technology which can directly
convert the intensity of sunlight into an alternative source of electrical energy.
Things that need to be considered in the design of solar panels are: the total load
to be used, the number of modules required, the type or characteristics of the
modules to be selected, the latitude of the location where the SHS system will be
installed and the required AKI capacity. If the installation will be carried out in
stages according to the budget plan, then the power capacity of the AKI and the
next solar panel should ideally be the same as the one that was previously
installed, so that there is no overcharge and overload. By following the planning
steps described above, a match between needs, price, and quality will be