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Students’ Perception on Online Learning Experience During Pandemic (Covid-19)

Show simple item record KHAIRUNNISA, YASMINE 2023-04-05T00:58:33Z 2023-04-05T00:58:33Z 2022-11-07
dc.identifier.issn 2477-5959
dc.identifier.issn 2477-8451
dc.description.abstract This study aimed to analyze students’ perception about their experience in online learning using blended learning in Physics course. The sample was 101 undergraduate students of Physics education who completed the questionnaire which consisted of 34 questions in Likert scale. The data were analyzed using a semi-explorative approach and the results showed that most of the students thought that the lecturer's teaching methods were good and supported by good facilities. However, students have many assignments and do not feel any improvement in skills. Generally, students' perceptions varied influenced by the Appropriate Workload Scale (AWS) and the Appropriate Assessment Scale (AAS) which were explained by 60.911% of the variation. Keywords : Perception; Online Learning; Blended Learning en_US
dc.publisher Universitas Lambung Mangkurat en_US
dc.subject Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES en_US
dc.title Students’ Perception on Online Learning Experience During Pandemic (Covid-19) en_US

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