One of the fermented milk products, namely kefir, is increasingly popular because it has many health
benefits. Peanut juice has a high enough protein content that it can be used as a substitute for animal milk.
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of peanut kefir with variations in the concentration
of ragi tape inoculum and fermentation time. This research method used 3 variations in the concentration
of tape yeast (1, 2, and 4%) and long fermentation time (24, 48, and 72 hours). The results showed that
the highest total LAB was in 4% ragi tape inoculum with a fermentation time of 24 hours (4.4x108
cells/mL) and the lowest was in 4% tape yeast inoculum with a fermentation time of 72 hours (9.8x107
cells/mL) and total yeast between 1x104 cells/mL - 3x105 cells/mL) and alcohol produced <1%. Total
acid obtained between 6% - 17.6%. The increase in total acid is proportional to the decrease in pH. The
pH of the peanut kefir medium was between 3.44 - 4.12. Peanut kefir with tape yeast inoculum meets the
standard requirements for fermented milk and can replace milk kefir.
Keyword: Lactic acid bacteria, Fungi, Tape Yeast, Fermentation, Kefir