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Critical thinking skill of prospective mathematics teachers in solving the two-dimensional geometry problem

Show simple item record Ansori, Hidayah Hidayanto, Taufiq Noorbaiti, Rahmita 2022-03-25T00:57:59Z 2022-03-25T00:57:59Z 2020-05-30
dc.identifier.citation APA Style en_US
dc.description Critical thinking skill and prospective mathematics teachers en_US
dc.description.abstract Critical thinking is one of the 21st-century skills that a person needs to have. However, the critical thinking skills of prospective mathematics teachers are relatively low. This study analyzed the critical thinking phase of prospective mathematics teachers in solving a two dimensional geometry problem, i.e. problem analysis, exploration, drawing conclusions, clarification, and resolution phase. The subjects in this descriptive study were 35 prospective mathematics teachers. In the problem analysis phase, while some prospective mathematics teachers were able to identify what was known or asked in detail, some others were not. In the exploration phase, some prospective mathematics teachers presented ideas in solving problems in one way while others did it in various ways. The subject, who presented the idea of solving the problem in only one way, gave the final conclusion immediately. However, the subject that presented problem-solving in several ways and reviews from various perspectives can provide clarification of the problem and even convey resolution to the problem. This clarification and resolution arose because of cognitive conflicts that occur in the mind of the subject. Cognitive conflict arose because of the contradiction of the solutions to the problem when the subject used problem-solving from a different perspective. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship IOP Publishing en_US
dc.publisher IOP Publishing en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries 1422 012004;1st IC-MSCEdu
dc.subject Critical thinking skill, prospective mathematics teachers, two-dimensional geometry problem en_US
dc.title Critical thinking skill of prospective mathematics teachers in solving the two-dimensional geometry problem en_US
dc.title.alternative keterampilan berpikir kritis geometri en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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