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Mathematical Communication Profile of Female Student Who is Mathematics Teacher Candidate in Implementing Teaching Practice Program

Show simple item record Ansori, Hidayah Budayasa, I Ketut Suwarsono, St 2022-02-23T04:14:31Z 2022-02-23T04:14:31Z 2019-07-31
dc.identifier.citation APA en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2579-3977 (e)
dc.identifier.issn 2442-3041 (p)
dc.description Mahasiswa calon guru matematika memiliki keterampilan komunikasi matematis yang berbeda-beda. Mereka melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika sebagai tugas dalam praktik keguruan. Keterampilan komunikasi matematis yang mereka miliki sangat mempengaruhi komunikasi mereka dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika di kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil komunikasi matematis mahasiswa perempuan calon guru matematika. Partisipan penelitian adalah seorang mahasiswa perempuan calon guru matematika yang sedang melakukan praktik mengajar di sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan merekam implementasi pembelajaran, yang disajikan berupa transkrip video pembelajaran dan dianalisis dengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan interpretasi-verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa perempuan calon guru selalu meminta siswa untuk mengulangi jawaban mereka untuk memastikan jawaban yang disebutkan. Ini berarti bahwa mahasiswa perempuan calon guru matematika tidak tegas dalam membuat keputusan, tampak bertele-tele dalam membuat keputusan. Komunikasi nonverbal mahasiswa perempuan calon guru terdengar jelas di seluruh kelas; gaya/gestur, perubahan ekspresi tubuh dan wajah menunjukkan ketenangan dan senyum kepada siswa, sehingga pembelajaran mengalir dengan lancar. en_US
dc.description.abstract Students who are mathematics teacher candidates have different mathematical communication skills. They carry out mathematics learning when doing teaching practice. Their mathematical communication skills greatly influence the communication that is implemented into mathematics learning in the classroom. This study aims to describe the mathematical communication profile of female students who are mathematics teacher candidates. The participant of this study was a female teacher candidate who was carrying out teaching practice (PPL) at the training school. Data collection was done by recording the implementation of learning, which was presented through learning video transcripts and analyzed by data reduction, data displaying, and interpretationverification. The results of this study are prospective female teachers always ask students to repeat their answers, to ensure the answers mentioned. This has resulted in the fact that female mathematics teacher candidates are not strict in making decisions, seem rambling in making decisions. The nonverbal communication of female teacher candidates is a clear voice heard throughout the class; ways/gestures, movements of appearance and facial expressions show calmness and smile to students, so learning flows smoothly. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Math-Didactic Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika en_US
dc.publisher Math Didactic Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol 5b No 2 tahun 2019;hal 148-156
dc.subject mathematical communication, female student who is mathematics teacher candidate, Field Experience Program, gender, implementation of learning en_US
dc.title Mathematical Communication Profile of Female Student Who is Mathematics Teacher Candidate in Implementing Teaching Practice Program en_US
dc.title.alternative Profil Komunikasi Matmatis Mahasiswa Perempuan Calon Guru Natenatika dalam Implementasi Program Praktik Mengajar en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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