The fading of the love feeling to the country will cause various problems such as the development of radical ideas that lead to the disintegration of the nation. As a pluralistic nation, Indonesia needs communion and unity to continue developing into a strong and large country. If the love of the country is not embedded as a character, it will be very vulnerable to be faded especially in the midst of the field of free competition and globalization that does not have any boundaries. Several ways to instill the character of love to the country have been taken such as making the character education as the center of national education. Besides from formal way such as schools, the effort of instilling the character can also use media in the form of literary works. Novel is a literary work that is able to be a source to give the understanding of love feeling to the country for the readers. 5 cm is one of the novels that is strong in the element of describing the love feeling to the country. Through descriptive approach, this research aims to find the form of the character of the love to the country in the 5 cm novel. The result of this study provides evidence that the character of love to the country can be made by several indicators, including appreciating the services of national figures or heroes, using domestic products, respecting the nature and culture of Indonesia, memorizing the national anthems, and prioritizing tourism in the country.