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Teaching Business Ethics through School Coope-ratives

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dc.creator Hadi, rizali 2019-10-07 2020-06-29T07:59:44Z 2020-06-29T07:59:44Z
dc.identifier Hadi, rizali (2019) Teaching Business Ethics through School Coope-ratives. International Journal Of Advance Science And Technology, 28 (8). pp. 423-433.
dc.description In the present day, a lot is being reported on the degraded nature of business values. Reports continue to show that Indonesia is faced with moral dilema in regard to doing business. This has led to the desire to improve the country’s business climate. Becasue of this, schools are required to participate actively in instilling good values or character in their students. Business ethics is an important component in the teaching of entreprenuership. Practical business ethics in a vocational school can be taught through a cooperative. Ethics in business lead to customer trust. The research was conducted in State Vocational Secondary School 2 (SMKN 2) in Banjarmasin, Indonesia employing experimental method that involved control group with treatment and observed results. In line with topic, this paper presents findings on the importance of a school cooperative in teaching business ethics in a real life situation. The paper promotes the use of cooperatives an way to teach good business values in the present Indonesia.
dc.format text
dc.subject L Education (General)
dc.title Teaching Business Ethics through School Coope-ratives
dc.type Article
dc.type PeerReviewed

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