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Indigenous Knowledge of Banjarese Tribe Farmers in Paddy Cultivation at Tidal Swamplands in South Kalimantan, Indonesia

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dc.creator hastuti, puji karunia 2020-06-15T04:03:06Z 2020-06-15T04:03:06Z
dc.identifier hastuti, puji karunia Indigenous Knowledge of Banjarese Tribe Farmers in Paddy Cultivation at Tidal Swamplands in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indigenous Knowledge of Banjarese Tribe Farmers in Paddy Cultivation at Tidal Swamplands in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
dc.description Trarlitional)y, titla) srvarnpland has been utiljzed by the Barriarese trjbe for tarrning. They have a uliqueildigenou,s knor,r'iedge in tlre pad dy agiculture svstern. 'fhis indigenons kn ou,ledge is obtairred lrereditarill.through the life expelience in the interacbions rv.ith the surrounding r..nvironmen t. By or,vnin5; the indigelrouskrrowledge, ib can make tlre padcly agr:iculture in the tidal sr,varnpland sustainable. 'Ihis research airned atidentift,ing ald describing the indigerous kr.rorr.ledge o1'Banjalese h'ibe farmers in the tidal sn'amplandwhich is commonlv practiced r.rntil todal'. The method used in this research r.r,as a quaiitative method u,ithan ethnographlc approach. Jn the research data coiiection, ohservaLion technique, clocumentation, and in-cleplh intertiew \,r'ere used. The subjects of t]-ris studv rvere the Banjarese Lribe farmers who are supporteriLr1. tLta U", tntortrlant. The data analr.sis technique was conducted rvith triangulation tecll'Lique. The researchresults shou,ed that the Banjarese tribe farmers have the ir-rdigenous lcrowledge on season determination,land selection, Jand managernent, seecl selection, plarting, arrd harvesting The implication of this studvcan give the infolma tion to the planning and development o[ agriculture in tidal slr.amp1and by the r:e1er,antagencies, realize the sustainable cultivation concept through the land conselvation with the titptrlikamparsystem, anticipate the crop fa.ilur-e, and lealize the food sovereignty.Key words : lndigernus knouletlge, Baninrese triltc, Paddy ttgricttltw'e , Titlnl sunrtplnud
dc.format text
dc.subject G Geography (General)
dc.title Indigenous Knowledge of Banjarese Tribe Farmers in Paddy Cultivation at Tidal Swamplands in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
dc.type Article
dc.type PeerReviewed

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