Repo Dosen ULM

Study of Medicinal Plants on Various Land Cover In Forest Area with Special Purpose of Lambung Mangkurat University South Kalimantan

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dc.creator Santosa, Reza Irawan
dc.creator Mahreda, Emmy Sri
dc.creator Fithria, Abdi
dc.creator Lilimantik, Emmy 2018-11 2020-06-15T04:02:34Z 2020-06-15T04:02:34Z
dc.identifier Santosa, Reza Irawan and Mahreda, Emmy Sri and Fithria, Abdi and Lilimantik, Emmy (2018) Study of Medicinal Plants on Various Land Cover In Forest Area with Special Purpose of Lambung Mangkurat University South Kalimantan. International Journal of Forest, Soil and Erosion (IJFSE), 2018 8 (4) . ISSN ISSN 2251-6387
dc.description Special purpose forest area (KHDTK) is an educational forest area managed by Lambung Mangkurat University based on ministrial decree Number. 144 / KPTS-II / 2003. The purpose of this study is to get the information about the types of nutritious medicinal vegetation in Special purpose forest area (KHDTK) on various land cover. The plot method that had been used in this study is stratified sampling method with 2x2 plot for seedling level, 5x5 for sapling level, 10x10 for pole level and 20x20 for tree level. And, 38 types of nutritious medicinal vegetation has been found in this study. The most dominant medicinal vegetation on alang-alang land cover is Karamunting (Ochthocharis bornensis), and Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica). The dominant medicinal vegetation in primary forest land cover is Akar kuning (Arcangelisia flava), Pasak Bumi (Eurcycoma longifolia) etc. The dominant medicinal vegetation on secondary forest land cover is Kayu Sapat (Macaranga triloba), Karinyu (Chromolaena odorata), etc. The dominant medicinal vegetation on opened land cover is kantung semar (Nepenthes), Teki Grass (Cyperus rotundus), etc. While the dominant medicinal vegetation in shrubs land cover is Makassar fruit (Brucea javanica) and Bandotan (Angeratum conyzoides). Keywords: Medicinal plant, KHDTK, Land Cover, Herbal Medicines
dc.format text
dc.publisher Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
dc.subject SD Forestry
dc.title Study of Medicinal Plants on Various Land Cover In Forest Area with Special Purpose of Lambung Mangkurat University South Kalimantan
dc.type Article
dc.type PeerReviewed

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