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Faktor-Faktor Pemilihan Penggunaan Jenis Alat Kontrasepsi Keluarga Miskin Di Kelurahan Kelayan Timur Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selat

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dc.creator Elidasari, Nana
dc.creator Adyatma, Sidharta
dc.creator Arisanty, Deasy 2020-06-15T03:59:49Z 2020-06-15T03:59:49Z
dc.identifier Elidasari, Nana and Adyatma, Sidharta and Arisanty, Deasy Faktor-Faktor Pemilihan Penggunaan Jenis Alat Kontrasepsi Keluarga Miskin Di Kelurahan Kelayan Timur Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selat. Faktor-Faktor Pemilihan Penggunaan Jenis Alat Kontrasepsi Keluarga Miskin Di Kelurahan Kelayan Timur Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selat. ISSN ISSN 2356-5225
dc.description The research titled "The Factors of Chosen Contraseption Stuff Usage by Poor Family in East Kelayan Village, South Borneo Regency". The purpose of this research is to knowing the factors of chosen contraseption stuff usage by poor family. The populations in this research are fertiled couple (PUS) activated members who living at East Kelayan village. The biggest sample are ll5 members as respondents. The technique used is simple ranclom sampling. The data that used are primary data and secondary data. The primary ciata got directly on the field using qLrestioners and secondary data got from government instancy such as BPS, BKKBN and Kantor Dinas Sosial & Tenaga Keria. Analyze technique used is percentation analysis and class interval. T,re results of this research shown are couples factoris the high class r,vith too%, where as the lowest class with o,'a theref or the respondents are choosing the contraseption their have using. Health factor is the high class with EB,".j, where as the loyrest class with tz% therefor the respondents are choosing the contraseption their have using. Stuff and metodes of contraseption is the high class \,vith r6:, r,r,here as the lowest class with 84% therefor the respondents are choosing the contraseption their have using Keyrvords : Contraseption Stuff, Poor Family
dc.format text
dc.subject G Geography (General)
dc.subject L Education (General)
dc.title Faktor-Faktor Pemilihan Penggunaan Jenis Alat Kontrasepsi Keluarga Miskin Di Kelurahan Kelayan Timur Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selat
dc.type Article
dc.type PeerReviewed

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